U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Issues Damen Silos Demolition Permit
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has issued its permit for demolition of the Damen Silos, in exchange for certain actions by property owner MAT Limited Partnership. These actions are detailed in a Memorandum of Agreement signed by USACE, the Illinois State Historic Preservation Officer, and MAT. Advocacy groups found the requirements of the permit inadequate and refused to sign.
However, demolition CANNOT take place without a city permit, which involves a separate process that typically takes months. The city process also presents another opportunity to stop demolition and/or gain additional concessions from the owners. Stay tuned for further information and public meetings.
We are now entering the third year since MAT Limited Partnership purchased the Silos from the State of Illinois over the protests of neighbors and advocacy groups. Read more in our Damen Silos Sale Fact Sheet and Damen Silos Demolition Fact Sheet.