Don't uproot Velma Thomas!

Velma Thomas Early Childhood Center is a gem in our community, and it’s in danger of losing its building! The school building is rented from the Archdiocese of Chicago, which has listed it for sale. Chicago Public Schools has yet to make an offer on the property. There is a possibility that CPS can continue to rent from a new owner, once the building sells. Whether they rent or buy, CPS needs to take action to keep the school in place.

MPDC is working with parents, teachers, CPS, CTU, elected officials, and other concerned parties to find a way keep Velma Thomas Early Childhood Center in its current location.

This is an evolving situation, so we’ve put together a fact sheet about the situation, to be updated as we get new information.

You can help by signing our letter to the Archdiocese of Chicago, asking them to select a buyer who will work with the community to secure Velma Thomas’s future in its current location and redevelop the rest of the former St Maurice Parish into something our community needs and wants.


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