Public Meeting: Damen Silos Federal Demolition Permit

On Thursday Feburary 1, 2024 , the Army Corps of Engineers is hosting a public meeting regarding federal permitting for the demolition of the Damen Silos at our very own McKinley Park Fieldhouse. Check out our Damen Silos Demolition Fact Sheet if you need a refresher on what’s been happening with this iconic property.

What: Army Corps of Engineers’ Public Meeting about Demolishing the Damen Silos

When: Thursday, February 1 @ 7PM

Where: McKinley Park Fieldhouse

What will we talk about? This meeting will be focused on historic preservation opportunities, as well as mitigation of social losses to the community should demolition occur. You can read more here about the federal process for working with communities on historic preservation.

How is this different than the last public meeting about the Silos? The City hosted a meeting in August regarding their permitting process, but there is also a federal permit required. This meeting is about the federal permit only. However, the city will use the federal data to complete its own process, so the two are connected.

What can be done regarding preservation? Neighbors are encouraged to bring ideas for preserving or reusing the site, adapting materials from the site to new uses, putting up historical markers, telling stories about the site, and more. MPDC has submitted a letter to Army Corps asking for a more complete engineering analysis prior to further action, as well as presenting options to protect our community’s interests going forward.

How can I share my ideas? Members of the public who wish to speak will each have 3 minutes to do so. Army Corps will also accept written comments until February 9, sent to the address in the attached official announcement.

What if I can’t make it in person? Army Corps will record the meeting. MPDC plans to stream the event on our Facebook Live.

Please join us for this important meeting, and bring a friend or neighbor


Come to the Backward River Festival: Damen Silo City